Had this obsolete structure not caught my attention, I probably would never have stopped to look at the Rhone River at this precise location. In the opposite case, the image within the image is the one I could have made just by closing one eye and extending my arm with the thumb and the index fingers as a frame. Then I imagined the painters and their easels walking to the river, sitting in front of this odd object and using it as a reference for the landmarks that separate reality from representation.
Born in Hyères in 1989, Amélie Blanc lives and works in Lyon. Her interest in foreign languages and the travel that resulted from it have strongly influenced her photographic work. Following a Bachelor Degree in Applied Foreign Languages and a Master in Cinematographic studies at Lyon University, she entered the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie in Arles from which she graduated in 2017. Throughout her studies, she has been able to enrich her knowledge and skills with this medium.
Amélie Blanc a aussi créé :
01 / L’objectif / Hélène Bellenger
02 / La fureur du Dragon / Florian Da Silva
03 / Le testament d’Orphée / Elsa Leydier
04 / Les salins / Jeanne Grouet
05 / Deux enfants qui s’aiment / Julie Hrnčířová
06 / Le Cirque / Amélie Blanc
14 / Cadre sur le Rhône / Amélie Blanc
15 / Contemplation Instantanée / Quentin Carrière
16 / Quai – Arles / Amélie Blanc
17 / Le rocher / Vivien Ayroles
18 / Miroirs-étang du Vacarès / Lexane Laplace
19 / Le visage / Florent Basiletti
20 / Les mimosas / Estelle Ogura
21 / La route / Barnabé Moinard
22 / Le Rhône / Daniel Robles
23 / Vue de train / Quentin Carrière
24 / Les amandiers / Lexane Laplace
25 / Les pins penchés / Vivien Ayroles
26 / Peinture / Loeiza Jacq
27 / Paysage Nicolas de Staël / Lila Neutre
28 / Les Alyscamps / Lise Dua
29 / La barque / Françoise Galeron
30 / Eloge au Pays d’Arles / Elsa Leydier
31 / L’Arlésienne / Elsa Leydier
32 / La Bibliothèque / Steven Daniel
33 / La Sainte-Victoire / Leslie Moquin
34 / Baudelaire et l’Arlésienne / Lila Neutre
35 / Saint-Exupéry / Elsa Leydier
36 / La chèvre de M. Seguin / Florian Maurer
37 / La Vaporeuse / Lila Neutre
40 / Les gorges du Gardon / Agathe Mouchès
41 / Les Arènes / Steven Daniel
42 / Le train la Côte bleue / Agathe Mouchès
43 / Les salins / Leslie Moquin
44 / Le MAPA de nuit / Steven Daniel
45 / La piscine Tournesol / Leslie Moquin
46 / Les fouilles de la Verrerie / Pauline Rousseau
47 / Le Pont de Fourques / Florian Maurer